Official Hello Post

2 October 2024

Its like, almost 4 am here (it is by the time I finish this) but I just spent a few hours cleaning up the site a little from its original, rushed test state, so I wanna have a post to go along with the update.

Oh yea, I have a website now! Or a blog, both? As I said elsewhere, I threw this together on a whim after cohosts demise. Having a personal site I can call my own and host long form posts is something I was already thinking of, cohost ending or not, but that expedited it. I gotta, as always, thank/blame Kay for most of this. I'd of course heard of neocities before but she also let me know about Zoner which makes it easy to make Zonelets blogs, letting me write posts in markdown, but also mix in HTML if I need to. Hey, that's just like cohost!! Porting over the two big posts I wanted to save was super easy!!

I guess that's a couple topics

Cohost is dead, long live cohost

Cohost is dead, which is sad! Its read-only for now, but I caught myself refreshing as if I'd see anything more, aaaa. I know outside of like, the couple people who were on there with me, a lot of my mutuals are more ambivelent about the site. I think putting aside a lot of things which I do have thoughts and criticisms on, it was ultimately positive to see people try something different/"better", misguided or not, even if our landscape was hostile to making it sustainable. At this point its gone, anything more levied at the staff or people who used it feels like victimm blaming. I know tensions are high, the current web is dying and the new web struggles to be born, but at the end of the day we're still looking at the loss of a queer space where a lot of cool people and posts hung around. I don't care if you bounced off the site or disagreed with the concepts, I don't see how we can make moral judgements out of its users when most of y'all (me included) still hang around the dead bird site, y'know?? But yes, you were right, its decentralized or else at this point.

Sorry that wound up hostile. There was good times on cohost, I like to think so. A lot of people are VERY reasonably wary and burnt out of social media as it is most everywhere. The lack of discoverability, metrics and virality was a feature for them, as intended, and now they're basically cast into the shadows. Like, I'm chilling on bluesky, but its total permanence and publicness is A LOT to ask of people, specially those who want to avoid harassment. So while cohost was there, it was a little window into an alternate world where a lot of people could just rattle off free of pressure, public but intimate and chill, I saw a lot of good posts there!
Like a lot of good Onimai analysis, for some reason? hell yea

Building your own site is a lot of fun

I went over it earlier but yea! Its fun, I recommend everyone make their own little site, make it a static silly neocities thing, yes please. I am being restrained by not filling this thing with gifs hahaha. Kay assumed I would've done SOME html/css before, but I promise, I hadn't! Well now I have, its pretty easy to get a hang of, well, if you're me I suppose. And its fun! That matters a lot. Ideally I'd have my own domain, or look into self-hosting but y'know, I am currently unemployed and our household is on the red and just barely making rent so, for another time!! Neocities is fun though and I'm already seeing the community advantages humu humu.

I got the landing page setup but I still gotta update the about page, not sure if I need need it though? I might just keep everything on the home page y'know, what do I need to about me about? My name, pronouns, and socials links? I can fit that in the home page, we'll see!

Thank you for stopping by!

I wanna say thank you to anyone who's stopped by, from cohost or elsewhere. I can't see if you followed the RSS feed, but I know some of you did, which is wild to think about! Thank you so much!!

Also SORRY I think its broken?? haha, I check it myself and it just seems to date every entry as the last time the site was updated? It shouldn't do that, Zoner auto set it up it but digging around the output pages it still shouldn't? Its maybe a neocities thing? hmmm. Someone let me know if there's a fix lol.

A little end note

I'm half wondering if I need like, a CW on some of my socials... cough bluesky cough. Listen, I'm gonna be a really freaked out with any new eyes on me. I always wanna be as kind and considerate as I can be, I don't intend to put anything explicit here or push even close to the limits of neocities rules (whatever they may be) but I just need you to know, your girl has problematic taste, you don't gotta stick around, just don't unperson me (low bar I know).